Community Quilts
Are you looking for a place to meet other quilters; learn tricks of the trade, meet women with different strengths and contribute to the needs of our community AND have fun in the process? Community Quilts may be what you are looking for! We have been serving the needs of our community with quilts for almost 20 yrs. We have added pillowcases, laundry bags, and cuddle cloths.
We meet at KMVT on the first Wednesday and third Monday of each month in the Community Room. 10 am until 4 pm. We set up quilt frames to tie quilts; some volunteers bring their own sewing machines to sew kits together; bind quilts, & make laundry bags. There is sorting, pillowcase kits to assemble, pressing, quilt kits to assemble. A job for everyone.
We all love to make and give quilts to our families. Perhaps you have given all the quilts your family can use or you would like to try a new pattern. You don’t have to purchase fabric; you can shop in our fabric stash at KMVT. You can sew a top and bring it back to CQ. We have many volunteers who would rather pick up several quilts to bind; sew a kit or a few pieces of fabric and sew at home. We have many ideas & patterns available also.
We appreciate donations of quilt batting & 100% cotton fabric.
The items are donated locally within our valley. A few of the agencies that we donate to are Safe House, Valley House, East End Providers, St Luke’s, (including NICU, Pediatrics & St. Luke's Cancer Center) Voices Against Violence, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, CASA, assorted care centers, and CSI Refugees.
We provide beautiful quilts to agencies for their auctions when requested.
We keep a large box at the Twin Falls Sewing Center with projects needing to be done. Pillowcase kits, quilt kits, small quilts needing to be long armed and sometimes quilts to be bound. We are always looking for volunteers to long arm our quilts. This is a nice way to practice your skills.
Last year with the help of an army of wonderful volunteers we donated over 677 quilts and 563 pillowcases in our own Magic Valley. There is a great need here for warm bedding.
This is a wonderful opportunity to visit, laugh together and complete a few quilts to be donated. Machines may be brought to do bindings. We hope you will join us for an hour or more.
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